

Monday, July 14, 2014

Ambrose: Episode 16: Danger Site


Alpha Site: Danger Site

His head pounded in time with the raindrops pelting the back of his skull. The ground beneath him was wet and uneven. His body laid there at an awkward angle and he wasn’t sure how long he’d been in that position. But one word coursed through his mind faster than the lightening illuminating the sky.


His arms and legs felt weak but he knew he had to keep moving. He wiped mud from the side of his face. Donovan wouldn’t be happy he’d made such a mess of himself. But then again, Donovan didn’t approve of much. It wouldn’t be long before the Director sent the dogs after him. He knew this to be true. It was his gift to know, as well as his curse.

The lights of the compound behind him swirled in an erratic pattern. Two minutes and ten seconds later than the last time. Somehow this time, he’d managed to change the past. Now he had to find his target and warn her. She was the only one of his kind who was truly free from the Site with no memory of the evil things that had been done to her in the name of science and technological advancement.

“There’s no use running, Thane,” Shayne Michaels’s voice boomed over the series of loud speakers. He was Donovan’s top security goon.

“Your aim is noble, but you should know by now that we won’t let you go without a fight.”

What Shayne Michaels and Donovan didn’t know was that it wasn’t his aim to escape. He had to find the girl and warn her before she ruined everything, before she revealed to Alpha Site what was coming in the future. If he didn’t succeed, this, his last trip backward in time, was in vain.


“How does that bastard keep getting out?” Shayne Michaels paced in front of the bank of security cameras that showed him exactly nothing. “Where is he?”

“He is one of the most intelligent subjects we currently have in captivity, sir,” said the guard monitoring the security area of the west wing of Alpha Site.

“That’s not it. It’s almost like he knows what we’re going to do next and then evades us. It’s damn well getting on my nerves.” Shayne raked a hand though his mussed hair. “Try thermal imaging and keep me informed. I have to meet our guests at the front gate. Apparently, Doc McRae thinks he has an open invitation.”

The guard nodded as Shayne exited making his way to the west gate.


Mila Ferguson had a bad feeling about this place. It reminded her too much of the settings of one of her stories, Edge of Danger. Movement to her right grabbed her attention. Maybe it wasn’t even movement but a knowing that someone was watching her. She squinted trying to break the darkness.

The man staring at her had to be twice her age. It was strange, but he didn’t give her the same icky feeling the military-like facility did. He put a finger to his lips giving her the signal to be silent. She tried not to act any differently, but Austin McRae gave her a strange look.

“You okay?” he asked.

Mila cleared her throat and swallowed. “Fine, just fine.”

A man dressed in fatigues stepped out the facility door and McRae exited the car.

“Stay here. I need to talk to that man.”

Mila nodded fear clawing at her throat.  Why had she ever allowed that man to bring her here? Maybe she really was too naïve.

As McRae was distracted, the man from the bushes approached her. He kept his distance from the two men conversing at the entrance. He opened the car door and finally got a good look at the girl inside.


Mila pressed her back into the far door. “How do you know my name?”

“Because in a strange way, I’m your father. My name is David Carter.”


Kate Donovan’s feet clipped down the hallway. She’d been summoned to the lab for a security problem. She didn’t really want to deal with this tonight. She had other plans with Shayne Michaels, and she didn’t want to put off her night of enjoyment. 

Two men stood over a third who was lying still on the floor. Kate shook her chestnut curls. Yet another fowl up. What was she going to do with these people? They had incompetence written all over them.

“Please tell me that’s not our lead scientist.” Kate brought her head to her throbbing temple. 

“Headache, boss?” Farley asked. He pushed the blocky black glasses back onto his nose.

“Of course, you idiot,” Kate snapped. “We need David. His research is groundbreaking.” She sighed. “Do I even want to know what happened?”

Joshua Shaw stepped up behind Farley. He was younger than most of the staff, but his intelligence was off the charts, only David and his brother, Hank was smarter. Joshua looked out of place among the sea of white coats.

“It was my fault, boss lady,” Joshua admitted. “I walked in and found David destroying files, files of his research. Without those documents, we’d have lost years and years of Echelon research. I had no choice. I had to call security.” He looked down at the dead body. “Security did that to him. I’m sorry, Kate.”

“We needed him, Josh. He was the one who could think outside the box.”

A dark and brooding man entered the room. Kate stood a bit straighter. The man’s name was Carlos Santini. His snake skinned boots blipped against the dirty tile flooring. 

“I’ve delivered the package we agreed upon into your office. But we found a little stowaway hiding in one of our vehicles. Bring him in, boys.” Carlos bellowed to the guards in the hallway.

The security team struggled with their prisoner. The young man did not look happy that he’d been captured.

“You know that top secret project David’s been working on?” Her eyes clashed with Carlos. “Kate meet Matt, David’s genetically enhanced clone.” Carlos walked around next to Kate. “You wanted someone who thinks like David? This boy is David, but with a few extra features even he doesn’t now about.”


Neither seemed to remember Michela Forsythe was in the car with them. David seemed surprised by her sudden appearance.

“What are you doing here? You’re not supposed to be here right now.”

Michela raised a curious eyebrow. “Really? If I’m not supposed to be here, where pray tell am I supposed to be?”

“With Hank at his house.” David was certain of that.

“Well, things don’t always turn out the way you plan, do they?” Michela said. “Hank and I were following Reese. She’s sure Matt is in trouble.”

“You’re name’s not Michela, is it?” Mila asked.

“Yes, we weren’t introduced. I’m Michela…” 

“Forsythe,” Mila supplied.

“That’s correct. Have we met?”

“In a way, you’re one of my characters.”

“Characters?” Michela questioned.

“We don’t have time for this you two. If we want to stay alive, we all must exit this vehicle right now.” David grabbed at Michela’s arm.

“Why the rush?” Mila said. “We don’t even know you.”

“In less than a minute this car will blow up.”

“Are you psychic now?” Michela asked.

“In a manner of speaking. Just humor me, okay?”

David managed to get both Michela and Mila out of the car before a grenade launcher targeted the vehicle and turned it into a pile of scattered metal fragments. The three of them jumped into the shrubbery away from the fireball that chased them from the vehicle. 

Hank Carter witnessed the man entering the car with Michela. He was concerned.

“What is going on?” he whispered leaving the golf cart behind and doing a bad imitation of a spy slipping from one location to another. He looked more like the Inspector from the Pink Panther. It was a good thing everyone was distracted by the burning vehicle to notice his antics. 

He followed the trio into the bushes on the other side of the courtyard.

“Are you all insane?” Hank whispered. Then he saw the man sitting off to the side. “David? I thought you were dead.”

“I’m afraid reports of my death have been greatly fabricated,” David said. “But we don’t have time for catching up, I’m afraid. We need to get out of here before one of the Alpha Site goons find us.”

“What about Matt?” Michela asked.

“He’s fine for the time being.” David said. “There is a secondary access tunnel a half a mile behind us. We can exit from there.”


Shayne Michaels was not happy to see Austin McRae back so soon. He’d be happy if the man just left Kate well enough alone. They didn’t need any more hack surgeons.

Before the two could reintroduce themselves, the vehicle exploded. They dove for cover.

Austin called out a woman’s name but Shayne couldn’t understand his words.

“This is your fault,” he suggested. “I had her. I had the clone.”

“You think I did this? You’re crazy,” Shayne said. “I have enough paperwork to deal with without putting this on my plate.”

The walkie-talkie at Shayne’s hip crackled as an animated voice emitted from it. “Colonel, we have discovered three or four tangos on thermal imaging. They’re heading away from the burning vehicle. We’re having a bit of trouble tracking them due to the heat of the explosion.”

“Copy, security.” Shayne said. “Out.” 

Shayne began running to the gate. He spied a figure slip into the access tunnel just as the gate performed a full lockdown. By the time he sprinted the distance, the gate was closed and locked. 

“Dammit!” He kicked the gate muttering a few more colorful swear words.

Ambrose: Episode 15: Edge of Danger

Alpha Site: Edge of Danger

“We have to find out who this woman is.” Ramsey Redcliffe shuffled through the manuscript that covered his desk.

“It’s only a story,” said the man seated in the chair opposite. He looked to be thirty-five and in very good condition for a man his age. “There’s nothing to worry about.”

“A story? A story? That story, as you call it, is so exact in its details that it scares the hell out of me. There are things in there even our scientists don’t know.”

“It won’t do good to overreact, Ramsey. It will only raise your blood pressure and draw attention to something that at the moment is a controlled situation.” Shayne Michaels sat with his legs crossed at the ankles and hiked up on Ramsey’s expensive mahogany desk.

The Director swatted at Michaels’s feet. He was definitely losing his superior sense of cool. Shayne had never seen him so spooked.

“What’s really going on, Ramsey?” Shayne looked at his friend and colleague skeptically. “I’ve seen you tackle more important shit with much more fineness.”

“Just read the girl’s web page.” Ramsey insisted, then thrust a piece of paper at Shayne with the website’s URL. “Then you tell me if I have cause to be concerned.”

Shayne exited the office stuffing the note into his pocket and wondering if he’d just stepped into the Twilight Zone. Lowell Vargas met him at the crossroads of the first hallway. The man looked discombobulated. Not that that was anything new. He always looked as if he had forgotten his head at home.

“Eavesdropping again, Radar?” Shayne remarked to the technician.

A sudden horrified expression crossed Vargas’ face and then faded. “Eavesdropping? Me?”

“Don’t feign innocence, Lowell. I know your fingers can’t help but trip Alpha Site’s fantastic gossip grapevine. When it comes to secrets in here, you’re always there with the dirt.”

“My fingers didn’t need to do any tripping. I was the one who brought the suspicious website to the director’s attention.”

Shayne rolled his eyes.

“A fanboy, are we? Great. Now everybody’s surfing for a scapegoat.”

“Not a scapegoat.” Vargas looked around then whispered to Shayne. “I believe it’s an advanced form of remote viewing. We did some research here back in the late seventies. Way before my time. Amazing results, but there was some sort of accident, which is classified, and the research was dropped. I’ve been searching for the missing files for years.”

“Good luck in your search,” Shayne said, backing away. He continued on down the hallway muttering, “Freak,” under his breath.

“Don’t forget to check out the site,” Vargas called after him. “You’ll be intrigued.”

“Sure, I will,” Shayne said sarcastically, stepping into the elevator, then disappearing behind the swiftly closing metal doors.


Ramsey Redcliffe had no sooner watched Shayne walk out the door when he placed a call to one of his associates.

“Kate? This is Ramsey. Have you looked over the document I sent you?”

Katherine Donovan glanced around the formal dining room. It was filled to capacity tonight with many, many guests who wouldn’t appreciate being interrupted by the phone call she was now receiving. She placed her still full champagne flute on a passing waiter’s tray. A group of eight well-dressed men gathered around her speaking in foreign tongues. They had no clue she, the master of eight languages, could understand every sentence.

“If you’ll excuse me, gentlemen. I see someone I must have a word with. She nodded politely at the men, then walked toward the open balcony doors. She carefully surveyed the area before activating the Bluetooth device around her ear hiding under her expertly styled hair.

“Exactly what is so important it couldn’t wait until after tonight’s Gala?” her curt tone was quite a one-eighty from the one she’d displayed a few minutes earlier.

“Have you read the manuscript I sent you?” Ramsey repeated.

“You mean the one about the girl’s website?” Kate heard a grunt of yes. “I’ve glanced over it.”

“What did you think?” Ramsey asked eagerly.

“It’s fiction, Ramsey.” Katherine was not amused.

“You must not have read it too closely then, because this fiction exposes many of your program’s secrets.”

“Is this a joke? Is this what couldn’t wait until after the Gala?”

Redcliffe chuckled. “Judge for yourself. The manuscript claims two youths from a secure wing escape. That was posted on her site tonight. Out of curiosity, have you checked on your subjects today?” Ramsey paused, more for effect than anything else. “Read the manuscript, Katie. You’ll be enlightened. I know I was.”

Ramsey clicked the connection closed leaving Kate grunting at the abruptness of the termination.

She walked back into the formal dining room and spied a familiar face across the room. A jazz band located at one end was playing a generic form of elevator music and people were taking advantage of the large ballroom floor. Couples gathered together as the music played. Kate circled the outskirts of the room and met Shayne Michaels who was standing just inside the halls elaborate foyer.

His skin was tanned from many hours working outside. She didn’t know if his body matched the outer package but considering the way that monkey suit fit him he was probably well chiseled.

“I didn’t know you owned a tux,” Kate remarked.

Shayne gave an uncomfortable glance down at the outfit then raked a hand through his mussed brown hair. It was the only thing about his appearance which wasn’t sheer perfection.

“Tux isn’t mine. They keep it in the back of the closet for me in case a mission calls for black tie. Otherwise you wouldn’t catch me dead in one of these things.” Shayne surveyed the room. “Where’s Stark? I thought he lived for these things.”

“I lost track of him about a hour ago. It’s not my responsibility to watch him any longer now that we’re divorced.”

“Never knew what you saw in the guy. Did they ever find the stick corporate shoved up his ass?”

Kate laughed. It wasn’t something she did often, but it felt good to let loose once in awhile.

“I’m sure that stick is now a permanent part of his anatomy,” Kate said with a smile.

“Damn, the luck. I knew there was something I didn’t like about Corporate. The two-by-four probably comes as part of the orientation package.”

“You’re awful.”

Shayne smiled. “That’s why you love me.”

A man appeared behind them both. He was dressed in a sharp Armani suit, his hair styled flawlessly, not one strand out of place. Johann’s face glowed with a natural tan many would envy.

“So, this is what you do when we have a security breech? You trade witty banter with Michaels?”

Shayne was quick with a come back. “I wanted to go for something raunchy, but Kate doubted your guests would approve.”

Kate slapped Shayne’s shoulder.

“What do you mean we have a security breech? Why were there no alarms?”

“Maybe if you’d answer your cell phone once in awhile, you’d know the answer to that,” Stark said abruptly, then turned on his foot and walked away.